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~ Maria's Corner ~


Dear Vestal resident:

I am hoping that, as our campaign progresses, you will begin to get to know Glenn, Robert and myself, both by reading this website and talking to us in person.  One of the key things that you need to know is that we tell the truth.  When we say something, we will do it. 

One thing that is very important to me is communication.  If we get elected, I will have a section on the Town website in which I will talk to you, keeping you updated on what’s going on in the town government, but also discussing local events in the parks and the community.  Throughout the initial process, I will be keeping you updated on the issues/problems that people are telling us about and sharing with you exactly what we are doing about it. 

I’m going to begin to talk to you through this website and will continue throughout the campaign. Given the nature of the campaign, I will be talking about the problems in Vestal and the actions of the current Supervisor and Town Board. 

The section that I will be writing will be my own thoughts and opinions.  Glenn, Robert, and I absolutely agree about our core values and our feelings about the current administration.  They are both wonderful, intelligent, dedicated individuals, with their own voices.  As such, they may be talking to you at times to voice their own opinions, thoughts, and ideas.  The absolute beautiful thing about real democracy is that it is, at its core, an exchange of ideas, the representation of all views and (through collaboration), the achievement of policies that benefit the people.  I feel privileged to be working with both Glenn and Robert.

I look forward to talking to you, through this site, about many topics that are important to me.  Please check back soon as I will be continually adding information all residents should know. 


Maria Sexton

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